Saturday, 24 October 2015

Nearing the finish line!

Wow, I just realized that there are only 10 weeks left in the #2015 PCChallenge that I've been participating in since January. I haven't posted about it but have been very busy experimenting with polymer clay and trying many new techniques and revisiting some old techniques. My last blog entry about this challenge was week 25 so I'll quickly include most of my entries since then so you can see what I've been up to. I've managed to produce something for every week but my blog has been seriously neglected.
Below are some pics of the last 16 weeks!

So that's about it. You're up to date on my pc adventure. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up to date for the rest of the year although there may be a brief hiatus in November since I'll be having  a knee replacement and may not be up to meeting the weekly deadline. I'll try to post a few ahead of time so I don't break my record. See you  on the other side !